Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2024-06-12 00:32:00
92 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
First and foremost, bad design is always costly and this cost is not always straightforward; it can come in form of opportunity costs, environment costs, time costs, and of course it can be financial costs; because good design is well thought of, on the long run it is expected to be more efficient, more resource friendly, more durable and more sustainable. On the other hand, as a designer, it is important to educate your clients that cutting corners on design may save money initially but often leads to costly mistakes, poor performance, and diminished value in the long run. This adage is about advocating for investing in quality design from the start, as it is more cost-effective and beneficial in the long term as well as investing in purchasing good design, demanding good design as a consumer; it effects both the producers and consumers alike.