Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2025-01-19 18:45:00
4 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
Recurring payment models create ongoing obligations that continuously drain life energy through required work hours. Each subscription payment represents a perpetual commitment of time and life force, creating a form of modern economic bondage. Remember that within the 21st century socio-economical system, you buy products with your life energy; you work; in your work, regardless of what you do, you use time, time used never comes back, it is taken from your lifespan of all available time, then this life energy (time spent) is converted to production units, for which you are reimbursed in the form of fiat currency that can be exchanged for products, services, goods and experiences. Within this concept, subscription is slavery, to sustain these products you need to pay recurrently, you need to pay constantly at intervals, you need to pay and pay and pay, like drops of blood taken away from you, but in literal sense, each subscription fee is your life energy; you need to convert your life, your time into money by working to pay for subscription, it is slavery.