Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2014-09-01 00:00:06
2929 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
When you think about what a business is, in its abstract form, a business is a vision, a mission, and an idea and all the means to achieve that idea; in most cases that idea is to have a profit, and for me the best type of profit, the right type of profit, comes from creating value added such great that people are happy when they part with their money. The easiest and most efficient way to create value added is through good design; for with good design, you increase the aesthetics and also the performance of a product, project, service or experience; you make your offering more valuable, more relevant, more amazing and more desired; it is only with good design that you can constantly create positive utility, which results in added demand and which translates to increased profits. If you take good design as foundation of your business; and here I mean to use design not just for aesthetics or looks but in to use design in its widest sense, of designing everything that matters, now that will result in great products, amazing projects, outstanding services and unforgettable experiences that are as equally profitable as desired; great design results in great business.