Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2015-08-24 03:43:00
1307 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
Think before taking action, as simple as that. I find myself lazy in many cases, I like not to move or do physical work, and people could say that I am lazy. However, I am physical work lazy, not thinking lazy. I see many people running around, working hard, without thinking. People call these people who run around all day as hardworking and even agile. But I see them do a simple task that would be completed in five minutes, instead in two hours, they look like they are working for two hours and they actually do, to correct their mistakes, or to fix their problems, and that is what they will always do, because they do not think before they start work, they do it, they just do it, and that is why they are mind lazy. Do not be mind lazy, mind lazy is like a zombie, think about what you do before you do it.