Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2014-09-01 00:00:08
2975 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
Great design is impressive already before your experience it; unlike good design that is humble and simple, great design reaches out to you; it calls for you, it makes you desire it. Great design helps you express yourself; because within the greatness and perfection of great design, you find a piece of yourself; a part within you, similar to that of great design, that you wish to show to the World; to grow, and to promote; and great design helps you achieve just that; it helps you express your grandeur, or humbleness, for great design is a great tool for expression but also empowering. You want comfort, great design makes you more comfortable. You want power, great design makes you powerful. You want sexy, great design makes you sexier. Great design is impressive, as it can widely amplify your own capabilities, desires and adjectives, and great design is expressive as a reflection of your own self, your own ego. How many times you love a perfect product for its perfection? Have you ever though that you maybe like the perfection rather then the product that imbues it; perhaps because you value perfection; and perhaps it is perfection you value as within your soul that it is your own perfection and self-image that you wish to grow and promote. Who knows?.