Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2014-09-01 00:00:15
2928 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
Good research is perhaps one of the most important keystones of great design, before you design anything you should invest heavily on research; this research has a technical aspect, a market aspect and an ethnographic aspect; first you want to research technical possibilities and realities; for example latest technologies, available materials, processes or tools, manufacturing capabilities or realization possibilities, these will provide you with opportunities and restrictions, then you have a market research; this is about what is existing in the market, it gives you an idea of what consumers expect to have and which direction you may explore, and then there is the ethnographic research element that gives you inspiration and perspective on cultural and social needs, and is about observing people. With your research done, your design will most definitely be better; good research results in great design.