Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2015-11-02 12:18:22
1209 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
In industrial design, saving time literally equals saving lives; let me explain, if you create a product, which you sell 1 million units, and if that product can save 6 minutes of the users' time on average at each use, and if we were to use the same product about 50 times throughout its life-span, then the product saves 300 million minutes, that is 570 years, if man is to live on average 57 years, that is saving 10 people's lifetime by 1 single product. Now, imagine that there are over 1 million products released to market each year, so good design can save 10 million lives each year, and again if a man lives 57 years, in that 57 years, good design would save 570 million lives, every generation. Of course my numbers are slightly exaggerated but you got my point. Good design saves lives in also other ways but this is about saving time and saving lives.