Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2016-03-29 08:43:55
1375 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
Design is the best job you can have if you want to help people; design a good industrial product and you can make millions, even billions of people happier, healthier, stronger, faster, smarter, or save them time; maybe your design can save 5 minute per day, that used by a million people, saves 5.000.000 minutes, if a billion people, saves minutes; lets imagine man lives 100 years * 365 days * 24 hours * 60 minutes = 52.560.000 minutes; so a good design can save, so an industrial design can save the live of 0.1 to 100 people per each day; if used 10 years, that would be 1 to 1000 lives saved during its lifetime; is not that a great thing to do?.