Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2016-03-29 09:08:46
1164 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
If you are a company, you know that the reason why people buy your products is because it fulfils a psychological or functional need. Engineering people can improve functional performance. Stylists can improve the outlook. However a designer is like a super hero; it can improve both the psychological and functional performance of a product by making it look better, perform better but also a very good designer will make your product cost less; a good design requires less marketing budget to create the same sales volume, a good design packaging attracts more buyers, a good design costs less to manufacture, and a good design sells more; as a company you cannot afford not to hire a designer, you cannot afford to miss the opportunity to make your product better; good design makes the product profitable as it adds more added value to it; when product is valuable people are willing to pay more for it.