Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2016-09-11 06:58:54
1214 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
No product is meant to last forever; except for your ideas. Products have a life span, they born from your ideas, they grow into goods and they too die when they expire. Good designs live longer, and you can extend their life by taking a bit care of them. But the whole quote here is not about the product lifespan; it is about the idea lifespan; even the ideas can die; ideas can become obsolete; good ideas that live on are those that are maintained; the ideas that reflect and consider the trends, technologies, life style and opportunities of the era keep moving on. Even though your product might work millions of years in the future; if what people desire is not what your product provides, it technically does not work, because design is about fulfilment of desire through utility.