Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2018-10-13 10:53:47
1009 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
Most people are unaware the most important aspect of good design; it is obvious to many people that good design adds value; you can sell something more expensive if it is good design? Why because good design is indeed more value; good design by definition is a better product; either looking better or performing better and preferably looking and performing better, lasting longer etc.. with many good adjectives... in the end we know and understand that good things, better things usually cost more to buy; good design makes it better, so it costs more. People got it. What is invisible to many is that good design also reduces costs; the cost reduction happens in multiple fronts; for manufacturers, good design could reduce the cost of production by for example more efficient use of material; reducing amount of material wasted for example, or it could reduce cost of transportation such as occupying less space, or being stackable, or it could reduce the cost of maintenance by lasting longer, being more durable, or it could reduce the cost of operation by being easier to use, or it could reduce the cost of production by making use of sustainable materials, or less of existing materials; good design could also reduce the cost of marketing expenses or cost of public relations or advertising campaigns you might require to sell the product; good design, really good design will always subtract the cost meanwhile adding value, that is why it is good; it is good for everyone; it is good for the world, it is good for you.