Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2018-11-12 06:34:47
1154 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
Good designers must be able to have an understanding of the larger picture; to see what others cannot see, to predict what others don't think about, and to put together pieces that is hold by many others. Good design is like putting together a puzzle, putting together many little parts, from different knowledge domains and industries together to create something new and unique that works as intended. Today, world is specialized, everyone tries to be best at one particular thing, however to be a good designer, you need to be good at many fields, example; chair design; you need to know human anatomy, ergonomics, material science, production technologies, logistics, marketing, market trends, human psychology, and much more just to be able to create a good chair that feels good to sit, that feels safe to sit, that is cheap to produce and cheap to transport and easy to market. Good design requires you to be a polymath.