Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2019-06-30 15:36:30
6990 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
There are established forms and functionality which we expect from products. For example, there is a mind-image, an archetype of a product in people's minds. When a regular designer deviates from such established forms and functionality, the result is usually a non-compliant design that create a cognitive dissonance; i.e. for example product does not have the expected form and therefore difficult to be accepted by buyers and consumers, as it is harder for the buyers and consumers to imagine or substitute this deviant product with the compliant product. Deviant products by regular designers usually fail miserably in market. However, when a really good designer deviates from the norm, by coming up with a pareto-superior work; an exceptional design superior to existing products in almost all aspects, that new design, while being deviant becomes the desired form, the new design becomes the accepted design, and the new design becomes mainstream, customer expectations are changed, new mind-images are formed and the archetype is updated.