Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2019-06-30 16:05:18
5225 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
Experiments are new innovations, changes to product's function or form. Norms are what people expect from their products form and function-wise. To create marketable, advertisable products, you will most likely want to stay within the norm, to the maximum extend that you could deviate from it; this is because customers, clients, consumers, people have expectations,mind-images, archetypes, pre-established ideas regarding how products should look and the way they function, deviate too much from the expectations and you create a mental burden for people to overwrite their archetypes as well as to understand your design; deviate too little, and your product is not differentiated, therefore deviate a bit, but not so much, experiment but subtly, be in the equilibrium, find balance between experimentation and norm compliance.