Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2019-06-30 16:16:32
1910 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
Good design always brings together a level of joyful experimentation with mundane yet professional wisdom, design process is indeed a fight between seriousness and playfulness, to create a design that could deliver a satisfactory happiness. Good design might for example be super simple, yet with some fine detail; super modern, but with a very subtle complication. The beauty is creating a good balance where chaotic aspects such as playfulness, complex details go well together with aspects of order such as seriousness and simplifications. My honest view why chaos and order make sense together is because that is what nature is, it is chaotic with presence of order, or it is order with presence of chaos; nature where chaos and order coexist is natural, and perhaps people are hardwired to prefer the chaos-order balance over neither chaos nor order, thus subconsciously preferring designs that are tasteful amalgamation of chaos and order.