Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2019-11-27 10:00:03
7780 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
Sure sometimes you have a design eureka or breakthroughs but most of the time you need to put in the time, put in the effort and do the due diligence to create good design. Good design takes long time for several reasons: 1) good design requires a good research and understanding 2) good design benefits greatest from experimentation and reiteration; each iteration helps to perfect the product. 3) it takes long time for a good designer to come with an idea that is not just different but highly differentiated or superior. 4) good design shall be well thought and it takes time to explore different scenarios and situations where the product might be considered. 5) good design is tested, reviewed and improved, testing, reviewing and refining takes time.