Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2021-03-22 02:33:26
13841 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
Best young designers are those who listen to their critiques, and best professional designers are those who are able to ignore the critiques. There is a fine point in life as a designer when you must stop listening to critiques; when you are young, inexperienced, you should be as open to critique as possible, that's until you come up with your style and method, afterwards you should not ignore critique, what I mean is not to ignore the critique completely but if you have a hunch for example, to follow your own path not swayed by others; in many times people themselves do not know what they want. You must be such a good designer, to have such a lot of experience that you must be able to decide when to ignore the feedback and suggestions of others. In general my suggestion is to always listen to feedback and then just do as you please.