Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2021-03-22 02:41:42
8352 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
There is some wrong conception going around that all new design must be unique and original, that's too romantic, and too much far away from reality. People are confusing art with design. In art, it is desirable that your work is original and unique. In design, it is desirable your product, project, service or experience design is better than whatever exists in the market; it is never about originality, it is not a race to originality; indeed it should be preferably not original; it should be built upon; it should improve upon existing. Of course when you have amazing idea that redefines a product segment, you have a type of disruptive innovation, that's for sure great design, it is most likely original and unique but remember that idea and goal is not about being original or unique, that's a trap for the young romantic designers, the real goal of design is to make things better, to make products superior, services and experiences way better, keep that in mind, and be proud, even if your design is similar to others in the market; indeed the market requires your product to be similar to others in the market; because most design is optimized; there is an optimum shape and form for many products, which in return forces you to adapt a commonly accepted and efficiency proven form, then there is also customer expectations, which also affect how a product should be, feel free to be unoriginal and common, for in the end, it does not matter, all it matters is that your design is better and superior.