Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2021-03-22 02:42:35
8039 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
This is by definition of design since design is the process of creating products, but actually it is a lie; because indeed there are many products that naturally occur; consider water, think about fruits, and remember other edibles that is offered to us by nature; now you can take two routes from here; you can say that these are also by design; intelligent design, or you can just go a level higher; if life and DNA naturally occur, then it follows, humans also naturally occur, and then anything created by humans, also naturally occur. Therefore from another perspective, there is never anything unnatural, or is it? Let's be honest, what I mean is not intelligent design or an existential question, what I mean proper is that without design, no artifact could ever exist; you cannot have artifacts without design, producing artifacts requires design. But let's also extend on this, most likely what I mean is that without design, no good artifact could ever exist; you cannot have great products without design.