Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2021-03-22 02:45:59
2293 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
For centuries, scientists of the era spent their life on alchemy, the power to convert one element from one another, that did not happen obviously, because of a lack of science. However, today the science is able to indeed transform one element to another, yet something else is not happening; and that it is a simple thing; transmutation of materials into happiness; or in other terms design, and this time it does not happen not because of lack of science but because of lack of proper education and skill. When you learn how to design, you have almost a godlike power to shape and alter your environment, to transform abstract ideas and raw materials into tangible goods and services and to make people happy and satisfied. Not learning how to design is akin to not learning how to talk.