Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2021-03-22 02:48:51
702 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
People who design planned obsolescence should be forbidden from creating any products, projects or services; because engaging in planned obsolescence is literally the worst thing you could do as a designer, it is worse than designing weapons; for such obsolescence planned products destroy the very ecosystems and habitats we live, create poverty and reduce the general well-being of the society and the planet as a whole, and in most cases, covertly; it is hard to determine them, it is hard to prove it, they are like cancer. You should always design the products to last for eternity; at least the products should live a long life; this is to be honest right now not possible, because most people are not educated about planned obsolescence and many others are too poor to care; well designed products that last longer in general cost more to produce, and even if they would cost less to produce they are still less profitable because of their long life; for companies it is better from pure profit perspective to sell same product over and over and over again to the same customers, it is way more profitable to create products that would break such that customers would make repeat purchases, the solution is all governments banning the production of products that do not last long enough, to bring minimum lifetime requirements for specific type of products and to communicate expected lifetime of products on product package with a cost per year indication so that finally the customers understand that their cheap products cost more than the better well built products that use better products, components and materials.