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— Onur Cobanli
2014-09-01 00:00:43
3111 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
Design as a process, by its core definition is about making things better; and therefore, requires thinking constantly for improvement. Design thinking is about making things better, always. But it is not necessarily focusing on a single thing and trying to make one single thing better; instead design thinking is to keep an open eye and maintain active perception while you observe and interact with the World, and thinking about how to make everything better. When it comes to a single design, design thinking is of course also about making it better; to think of improvements, refinements and iterations, and albeit less fruitful you can also think about improvements about a single thing forever, but perhaps it would create more value if you think about how to improve many things since each design iteration will have a diminishing return; the initial iterations will be very valuable, it will significantly improve the design; and the hundredth variation will not create as much value as the first variation, that's more or less the rule; given that, it makes sense to refine many things, at least once than to refine one thing many times, the total utility would be more. All aside, no matter the case, thinking of improvement always makes things better if you take action and iterate on these ideas.