Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2014-09-01 00:00:44
3107 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
Good publicity definitely starts with good design for it is much more cost effective to promote good designs. Why and how is it more effective promote good design? With the same amount of publicity budget, promoting a better design, will always yield in higher sales; this is not theoretical; this is a rule by tautology; from corporate point of view good design is whatever that sells the most. The basis is on the idea that better design products, projects, services, experiences and offerings will always have more demand than their inferior variants, provided that the information symmetry exists; i.e. good designs should be promoted at least as good enough as the inferior designs, in this case the good designs will be guaranteed to sell more; but good design will only sell more if people know about it, it is important to remember this. Now, from another perspective, good publicity starts with good design because good design products do not create negativity; if you have bad products, and if you market bad products very good, regardless of your sales, the cost of marketing will increase over time; that’s because not only you will want to create good publicity but you will also have time to spend time and energy on damage control and negative feedbacks arising from your bad design; on the other hand, good design marketing costs are more likely to decrease over time as you would naturally acquire brand ambassadors, influencers and real people who love your product and talk good about it; good design markets itself, and thus good publicity shall always start with good design.