Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2014-09-01 00:00:45
3066 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
I truly hate working with other designers, I really do, that’s my emotional reaction; I hate that they tell me what is wrong with my design but that is not my only reaction, from a logical perspective, I love working with other designers, I really do, that’s my logical reaction; I love that they tell me what is wrong with my design so that I could improve it, make it better, and advance it. I hate talking with other designers, they are so critical, and I love talking with other designers; their critical feedback is most welcome, because I know they tell their honest truth. The idea is that, you hate it or love it, doesn’t matter; you cannot deny the fact that debating, discussing, arguing and competing with other designers, will almost always make sure that you have a better, superior design; great design come from taking action and improving and iterating your design after interaction, conflict, argument, competition and debate.