Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2014-09-01 00:00:50
3095 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
So, is it the great design that is a great business or is it that great business stems from great design? They are both true. Great designs can create great businesses and designing great can be a great business. However, I want to focus on something more important; there are many designers that design for others; I am always surprised at this; I am surprised at this as I was surprised business professors in universities; if they know business so good, why don’t they just do business? Sure there are many factors on what motivate people, but you know what I mean. Likewise, a great designer, why would they work for other people or companies; if they are great designers, why wouldn’t they design solely for themselves? I have an answer; it is a combination of lack of capital and risk aversion, and in most cases that’s just it. Back to our subject, so yes, great design is definitely great business and great design always leads to great business for the following reasons; a major cost item in business is marketing and publicity, and good design helps reduce marketing and publicity costs significantly. Good design also, by its definition is about optimization, and therefore can reduce the cost of production and service provision as well. Good design is also about aesthetics and attractiveness of a product, it makes the product more desirable which increased demand, so good design makes your product, project, design, experience, service or offering cheaper to realize, less costly to manufacture but adds added value to it; good design is loved and shared more by people which also eventually reduces marketing costs and contribute positively to brand value.