Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2014-09-01 00:00:53
3103 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
There is something magical in good design that attracts people; I think the magic comes from the fact that people are able to conceive the intrinsic value you had embedded into your product and self-internalize this value; everyone want to be perfect, valuable, beautiful, desired; so if people see an object or artefact or idea that is perfect, valuable, beautiful, desired, perhaps people feel that the object, artefact, or idea is a reflection of their selves; reflection of what their ego and id desires the person to be, and then since people love themselves, people love the design as well. Or perhaps we just appreciate well-though, well-made products that we know we could depend upon, or that we know will augment our own intrinsic beauty, performance, value and attractiveness. In any case, when you see good design, you like it, liking is an emotion and I think emotions are shortcuts for complex logical decisions; when you like it, it means your brain does a quick calculation and yes, it is great; it works, you like it; you just get the end result. Everyone can be a judge of good design, if you like it, it is mostly good.