Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2014-09-01 00:00:54
3163 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
To be honest, like precious metals, both creativity and inspiration is infinite in universe, it is just rare because right now right here because for people, with finite lifespans, there are not so much opportunities to get great inspiration, that’s because most people do not know the method of how to collect inspiration; to get inspiration, to get creativity; first you need to be properly educated in sense you need to have an intellectual background of the topics on which you want to get creative and inspired at; you need to be well studied, well though, know technologies, know tools; you want to have these information in your mind already so that when you think about what you need to think about you could connect the dots and come up with great ideas. Now, this process of generating great ideas is rare because this process takes time and most people do not invest their time; most people will not sit hours and hours thinking about how to make things better, and that’s what makes creativity and inspiration rare; our hard work as designers interpreted as genius, it is not; at least not completely; creativity and inspiration sure requires a bit of genius but it also requires actively working on the matter at hand, thinking, reflecting, experimenting, iterating, connecting information from different domains of knowledge and what not; it is about putting the effort, most people do not put the effort, and most people do not have the necessary information to connect the dots; thus most people are not creative; most people have no time nor material to create; and this whole makes creativity and inspiration rare, even though it is like carbon, you just need a lot of pressure to make diamonds, people just don’t put up this pressure on themselves.