Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2014-09-01 00:00:56
3134 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
The story of how a design has come to be, a product, an experience, a service or an offering, in most cases always adds value to that design as it gives people a perception and understanding of what the initial desires and needs were and helps people form better mental connections; people listen to the story, they get familiar with the design, the more familiar with the design, the more people will like the design; that is because our species has a tendency to like things that they are familiar with; so you tap into that genetically induced trait; for all your designs, tell a great story and you will increase your designs value. On the other hand, it is also very true that actually most great designs have an even greater story behind them; it could be the personal dreams of a designer or a corporation trying to come up with the best product ever; there is always a story, and that story shall always be communicated. Great stories make good designs, and good designs have great stories.