Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2014-09-01 00:00:57
3198 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
There are many different thoughts on how inspiration and creativity come to be; how to tap into creativity and how to get inspired. One proven way to get inspired and creative is to do two things; the first one is to broaden your horizons; that is to expand your mind; your dataset; the dots in your brain; the more dots, the more possibility to connect the dots; the more knowledge you have, the more possibility to permutate and connect the bits of knowledge in different ways to come up with original ideas and solutions; this is creativity; so first step is to learn, read, study, get educated, learn about technologies, processes, current trends and more; have the mental material that you could use to built upon. The second aspect is time; like all chemical or electric reactions, things take time; it take time for neurons to fire-up; nothing in this World is instant; so to come up with ideas, you will have to have the time to come up with ideas; and finding this time is sometimes hard and sometimes sitting through the time is boring; you will need to do both; then of course you must also be relax, once a while let your mind wonder, get entertained etc, but you must return to the task; staying on the task and working hard will most likely help you get great ideas.