Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2014-09-01 00:01:00
3188 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
This is obvious isn’t it, yet it is unfortunately not obvious to many. I know it how? There are so many design businesses with bad design, and I also know why their design is bad; most of the time, it is because the World pushes them to make bad design, the problem is in general with the clients and consumers; most consumers are not enough educated to make educated decisions when purchasing products; and most manufacturers or design clients are not enough emphatic or ethical to make ethical or emphatic decisions when manufacturing products; then these unethical clients ask hungry designers to design something for their uneducated consumers; and unfortunately many designers are hungry; in literal sense; it is because designers are often exploited; they love their job so much that they charge little to none to clients, anyway, so when you are hungry, at some point you get a job, even if you do not like that job; you work to earn your bread; and as you know when you do something you do not like, most would not put their best effort, and that’s how bad design comes to be; the problem as you see is about the lack of motivation in the end, if you are a design business, you must always give your 100% to the job; you must do your best always regardless for whom you are designing, because the design should reflect your own quality; your own education and your own ethics; and in the end if you constantly deliver good design, after a while you will be able to charge higher prices or you would have a queue of happy customers, in both cases success to good design business passes from great design.