Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2014-09-01 00:01:05
3212 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
Many young designers underestimate the value of their design portfolio; first of all, a fat design portfolio means a hardworking student, that’s good for some companies, on the other hand if the items in the portfolio are not selected that’s not good; you need to take out the obviously bad stuff, then the portfolio should make sense to the job you are applying; if you are applying a job at consumer electronics manufacturer, you would better present your consumer electronics designs and not any other design; for each potential employer, you need to arrange your portfolio selection accordingly; and to be able to do so, you will most likely need to have many different types of designs in many different industries initially or of course you may focus on a single industry and then move to other industries, in the end you would be able to present the employer with a very specific portfolio, a great portfolio will most definitely help you land a design job.