Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2014-09-01 00:01:06
3200 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
This comes from the idea that the design process is iterative, and at each iteration you have a hope; the hope is that the next iteration will be better, will yield with a better design. The more you love designing, the more hopeful you are; you iterate one another, you optimize, you think of the little details, you improve, you refine, you iterate again, and then again, and then again more; you are hopeful, until you aren’t; design is an iterative process, with a hope to arrive something great after each iteration, most people stop at a satisfactory point, if you can pass that you can of course achieve greatness, but at what cost; not everyone knows where to stop; you need to know when to stop; for design can be iterated endlessly, and you may get hopeless. But let’s not close this quote grim and dark; it is bright and happy; you always have hope.