Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2021-03-26 04:11:03
632 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
People have been long talking if money can buy happiness, and money can absolutely buy happiness; time is money, and even if it was not, time can buy happiness, you invest your time, you make people happy; good products can help you save time, you use the time saved to create happiness. Time can create and money can buy good design; great products, amazing services, excellent projects, and unforgettable experiences; good design is the happiness that money buys. Can good design be free? It cannot be; because thinking is not free; designing is not free; you need to invest time, energy and resources to think and create good design; someone, something has to pay for these costs, it can be the sun, it can be cosmic radiation, but someone has to pay the price; so good design is not free, was never free, and will never be free, but it can be cheap. When you buy a product, you buy it because you need it; you need it because it saves you time, it makes you comfortable, or it removes discomfort; in all cases, it makes you better of, it makes you happier. You buy good designs, you buy products, projects, services and experiences as a proxy for happiness; because they indirectly make you happy. Most products make you a tiny bit of happiness but we are lucky there are many products that give you a ton of great utility, imagine the movie industry; thousands of people work for your two hours of entertainment, you buy a ticket, rent a movie and you enjoy something out of this world; you truly buy happiness.