Featured Quote
— Onur Cobanli
2022-01-17 04:51:36
697 💛
Onur Cobanli explains:
I think iteration is mother, father, parent, progenitor of original creation because it is iteration that allows you to create new things. Many small iterations, many small deviations always lead to big changes. Even if you start with an existing idea, after many iterations, you create a new idea; you build upon, you shape, you sculpt, you add, you remove, in the end what you have is different from what you start; the original idea is no longer recognizable; and it does not matter if you had an original idea or not; with enough iteration, you always have a new, original idea. Iteration is perhaps the most important process for creativity; you iterate, you make modifications, you create mutations, you evolve your idea, similar to how life evolves; and after a while you have a completely new genus of idea; you have created new life; iteration is truly powerful; not just for creating new ideas but for creating new everything. Of course, when I say iteration, I do not mean just repeating; I mean mutative iteration, that is making changes, and then making changes to changes, I mean recursive iteration, meta iteration. Therefore, recursive iteration, making changes and then making changes to your changes, a simple process, is the source of all change and all new and novel designs, ideas and projects. It is that simple, and it just takes time.